Can my GP ask the Hospital to see me quicker?
Our staff are here to help you however, they cannot assist with checking where you are on the hospital waiting list for a consultant appointment or investigations, or checking what time your hospital appointment is. General Practice staff are not employed by secondary care and have no access to their appointment systems.
We are aware that for some specialties the waiting list is long. The Practice and our staff have no control over this national concern and we direct you to the information below.
Sadly, some of our staff have been verbally abused in recent weeks because of waiting times. Please be advised that any form of abuse to our dedicated team will result in the abuser receiving a zero tolerance letter. Further abuse of our staff will result in the abusers removal from our registered list of patients.
A link to current national waiting times is here for your convenience. This links to national waiting lists, if your referral has been made to a provider other than Blackpool Teaching Hospital.
The link to waiting times for some specialties at Blackpool Teaching Hospital is here If your specialty is not listed please contact the hospital directly. Their telephone number is 01253 300000