Public Health England -Guidance for hand washing and home isolation

Handwashing Advice

This is public health advice about how you can help stop the spread of viruses, like coronavirus (COVID-19), by practising good respiratory and hand hygiene.

The campaign has been updated as of 09.03.2020 to expand on specific hand hygiene advice.The campaign advises everyone to:

Wash your hands more often than usual, for 20 seconds each time with soap and water or hand sanitiser, especially on the following occasions when you:
• Get home or into work
• Blow your nose, sneeze or cough
• Eat or handle food

Home Isolation Advice

Home isolation advice for the general public.

Please be aware that this is an evolving situation and public advice may change. Materials will be updated and changed as appropriate so please check for the latest version. 

For further information please go to the NHS health advice page on home isolation.