Patient Opinion

We would like to know how you perceive our surgery and staff. To help us with this, we have set up a  patient representative group. Please follow the link below for more details and meeting dates. If you are a registered patient of our practice you will be made very welcome. We are very happy for you to bring your carer along to the meetings.

Patient Participation Group

We like to involve patients from as broad a spectrum as possible to get a truly representative sample. We need young people, workers, retirees, people with long term conditions, carers and people from non-British ethnic groups. We recognise that many people don’t have the time to spare to come to a meeting but we are still keen to hear your views, ideas and suggestions for ways we can improve the services we offer. Please use the contact form below to let us know how we can improve.

We welcome comments and suggestions and encourage you to use this form however, please be aware that this is for general comments and suggestions only. It is NOT a real time service.
DO NOT USE THIS FORM If you wish to book an appointment, request a prescription or have a query regarding your health care please use our online services – buttons on the home page (you must be registered for Patient Access) – via the MyGP app on your mobile phone (download from the ‘app store’ or ‘google play’ to your phone) or contact our reception desk in person or by telephone.
DO NOT USE THIS FORM If you have encountered a problem with our service and wish to make a complaint please follow our guidance on ‘comments and complaints’ under the PATIENT OPINION heading on the home page so your concern is dealt with quickly. Thank you

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